Chris Benjamin: “Scout Motors is a start-up with heritage”
By Car Design News2025-02-04T15:31:00
Chris Benjamin, chief design officer at Scout Motors, explains how the connection heritage to ingenuity is key, the growth of his 45-strong team and the challenges that come with reintroducing vehicles 44 years later
The amazing thing about Scout Motors is that it is a start-up, but also with heritage, which is very unusual in the industry. That creates an incredible opportunity, but also a sense of responsibility. The last Scout vehicle was produced roughly 44 years ago and the community is still thriving. Enthusiasts put tens of thousands of dollars into their original Scout vehicles, and these restorations can sell for well into six figures.
As a designer, you have to put yourself in the place of what makes it special to those people. What are the things they love about those vehicles? We learned that the customers we want to target don’t want spaceships.