Before the launch of Car Design Awards China, we tracked down some previous winners and asked them how they’d fared
With the launch of Car Design Awards China only days away, we tracked down some winners from previous years and found out where they are now and how winning Car Design Awards China affected their careers and opportunities.
Car Design Awards China is a student competition that allows students to work to real briefs set by major carmakers, and the awards are presented at an evening event timed to coincide with the motor show – 2017 winners will be invited to attend the event in Shanghai and rub shoulders with the judges, design directors and senior designers, who have assessed their work.
CDN中国汽车设计大赛是大学生竞赛,让学生们按照国内外知名主机厂制定的设计任务书完成作品。颁奖盛典安排在上海国际车展的前夜举行 — 2017年大赛的决赛选手及获奖者们将受邀参加颁奖典礼,并与评委、设计总监和高级设计师们亲密接触。

2011 winner Yi Lu
Where are you now working and what is your job title?
“I’m working as a creative designer in Tecno Art Research, part of Toyota Design, based in Nagoya, Japan.”
When did you win Car Design Awards China and what was your project?
“I won in 2011. My project was ‘2020 Peugeot VLV’, an electric urban mobility vehicle.”
How did it feel to win?
“It was really exciting and memorable.”

How did it help your career?
“It helped me a lot. Because of the award, I got several internship offers and later on I went to JCI and Tecno Art. I learnt the fundamental principles and process of interior design from Richard Chung. And I got in touch with Japanese culture and contributed to the Toyota Yun Dong Shuang Qing concept car under Misono San and Okamoto San at Tecno Art. Those internships really broadened my view. And everything started from the CDN awards. I appreciate that.”
What advice would you have for students entering this year’s competition?
“Try to make something original that can show your vision of future. Then your design will stand out from others.”
2011 年总冠军 – 易路
1) 你目前在哪里工作,担任什么职务?
我目前就职于位于日本名古屋的丰田设计旗下的Tecno Art Research,担任创意设计师。
2) 你是在哪一届大赛中获奖的,作品名是什么?
我是2011年获奖的。作品是“2020 Peugeot VLV”,一款城市电动车。
3) 获奖之后有什么感想?
4) 这对你的事业有帮助吗?
获奖对我帮助很大。因为获奖,我得到很多实习的机会,后来我去了JCI和Tecno Art。我从Richard Chung身上学到有关内饰的基本原则和方法。我接触到日本文化,在Tecono Art 的Misono San和Okamoto San带领下,接触到丰田云动双擎概念车。这些实习都拓宽了我的眼界。而所有的这些都是从CDN获奖开始的,我非常感激。
5) 你对今年参赛学生有什么建议?

2012 winner Xiao Hangjie
Where are you now working and what is your job title?
“I am working at FAW-Volkswagen as an exterior designer.”
When did you win Car Design Awards China and what was your project?
“I won the Best Virtual and the Overall Winner awards in 2012 with the Daimler brief, a concept car in a future setting, which was inspired by Syd Mead’s science fiction design. Inspired from deconstructionist sculpture, I designed the interior and seats with a simple appearance. It was set in a city road full of futuristic scenes. I named it ‘Petal’, with the hope that it was not as cold as a machine.”
How did it feel to win?
“I only had one semester left before the graduation, so it was my first and last chance to enter the competition, and I made it. It was so challenging that I felt like being thrown into a pool during a rollercoster, but I survived in the end – it is an unforgettable memory.”

How did it help your career?
“I received a great benefit from it. My major wasn’t car design, but the experience of the CCS placement helped me to get deeper knowledge of car culture and design. VW China Director Simon Loasby, who was one of the judges, recommended me to FAW-Volkswagen. The award gave me pressure, as well as encouragement, driving me forward. During the four years after competition, I was given chances to take part in the development of new models and go for business trips to Germany. All of these were due to the recognition and confidence I received through the competition.”
What advice would you have for students entering this year’s competition?
“I suggest contestants free their imagination, don’t be constrained by the brief, design a car that touches yourself and others. Don’t be concerned about how crazy your idea may be, you just need to deliberately express your own concept, surprise people, then you could improve and learn through the competition.”
2012年总冠军 – 肖航杰
1) 你目前在哪里工作,担任什么职务?
2) 你是在哪一届大赛中获奖的,作品名是什么?
我很清楚的记得我是在2012年获得了奖项,当时我选择的是奔驰的任务书,以Syd Mead 的科幻设计作品为灵感创作一辆在未来场景中使用的概念交通工具。我以解构雕塑为灵感设计了内饰与座椅,然后赋予了它极简的外形,并且为它设计了配套的富有未来感的道路与停车系统以及未来城市场景,我最后为它起名petal,希望它不会像机器那么冰冷。
3) 获奖之后有什么感想?
4) 这对你的事业有帮助吗?
这个比赛让我获益良多,我本身并不是学汽车设计出身,赛后在CCS一个月的学习与交流让我对汽车文化与设计方法有了更深入的了解。大赛评委之一的大众中国区设计总监Simon Loasby先生在赛后推荐我进入一汽 - 大众工作,工作中这项大奖让我背负了很大的压力同时也激励着我不断努力,在接下来的四年里我有机会参与大众新车型的开发并去德国出差工作,这一切都缘起于当年比赛对我的肯定及给予我的信心。
5) 你对今年参赛学生有什么建议?

2013 and 2014 winner Guo Jiayi
Where are you now working and what is your job title?
“I am studying at Pforzheim University in Germany for a Masters degree in vehicle design. I have just finished the first semester.”
When did you win Car Design Awards China and what was your project?
“I was the overall winner for 2013 and 2014, with ‘Audi up&down’ and ‘JAC S3’ respectively.”
How did it feel to win?
“It was a great honour for me to win CDN awards. I take them as a reward for the hard work I’ve done these years for the love of my profession.”

What advice would you have for students entering this year’s competition?
“By entering the competition two years in a row, I got to know that designers from car makers pay a lot of attention to the designs that are original and appealing rather than the effect of pictures. A good car designer shouldn’t just be a painter. Creativity is the soul of design.”
2013 - 2014年总冠军 – 郭嘉翌
1) 你目前在哪里工作,担任什么职务?
2) 你是在哪一届大赛中获奖的,作品名是什么?
我获得2013和2014年两届大赛的冠军,项目分别是2013年的Audi up&down和2014年的JAC S3 concept。
3) 获奖之后有什么感想?
4) 这对你的事业有帮助吗?
5) 你对今年参赛学生有什么建议?
More competition details from this Friday at