All Careers articles – Page 4
Michelin’s Challenge Design winners announced
The theme of this year’s challenge was ‘Inspiring Mobility’, which looked for ideas about how to put emotion and human interaction into focus in the mega cities of 2035
CDN Sketch-off at the London Motor & Tech show
At this year’s London motor show Mike Brewer compèred the first ever Car Design News live Sketch-off
New book - Designing Car Interiors
Tim Pilsbury’s new book, Designing Car Interiors, is an excellent addition to the car design library
Car Design Essentials Part 3: Graphics
Designers talk of “having an eye for design,” an intuitive sense of what’s harmonious and what is undesirable but what exactly are the components of the criteria that they’re using? For automotive design it essentially breaks down into three steps, which we term ‘Bones, Muscles and Graphics’. In this final part, we examine the third element of evaluating automotive design, the graphic treatment (grilles, lamps, window shapes, shutlines, DRG, DLO, wheels)
Car Design Essentials Part 2: Muscles
How do you teach automotive design students to develop a good eye for design; to intuitively draw vehicles with good proportions, pleasing lines and a strong design character? Essentially, it breaks down into three steps, which I term ‘Bones, Muscles and Graphics’. Over the course of three articles Nick Hull will introduce these steps and explain the components of each element that builds into a complete set of principles.
Car Design Essentials Part 1: Bones
How do you teach automotive design students to develop a good eye for design; to intuitively draw vehicles with good proportions, pleasing lines and a strong design character? Essentially, it breaks down into three steps, which I term ‘Bones, Muscles and Graphics’. Over the course of three articles Nick Hull will introduce these steps and explain the components of each element that builds into a complete set of principles.
How much does it cost for a car designer to live in different cities around the world? And what’s the quality of living?
What to expect when living in one of the world’s car design cities
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