Car Design News hosted From Concept to Class-A with CATIA Icem, a webinar presented by Dassault Systèmes, on May 3, 2011. The aim of this free online seminar was to highlight and display the benefits of using CATIA V6 in creating high quality surfaces.
Developing a new industrial product is challenging, especially when you take into account all the factors required to make the financial investment worthwhile. As such, Dassault Systèmes' new software allows for the creation of a product with style, which is mandatory for marketing and perceived quality reasons, but also ensures the best way to manufacture the product in order to optimize manufacturing costs and productivity.

Somewhere in between, the surface expert's role is to respect the designers' intent - shape is emotional - and provide the highest quality surface to engineers to optimize mechanical and tooling design with potential constraints in terms of aerodynamics.
For these reasons, delivering data with very high quality surfaces is one of the most difficult challenges to address. The specialty can only rely on advanced surface experts to converge on the best compromise in order to satisfy all departments.
Dassault Systèmes acquired ICEM technology in 2007 and combined the expertise of both companies to provide the best-in-class tool for high-end quality surfaces design: CATIA Icem Shape Design. This CATIA workbench provides both capabilities; from classical explicit Class A modeling to CATIA advanced feature-based modeling, bringing productivity not only to mechanical engineers but also to digital sculptors for the first time.
The Concept to Class A with CATIA Icem webinar will help you understand the value of a unified surfacing solution within CATIA V6 world. You'll see how it can speed up iterations within the design and engineering teams and realize how you can benefit from the CATIA platform and new V6 visualization tools.
Over the course of the webinar, you will be presented a full overview of what DS CATIA Surface Refinement offers through a series of short demos and a dedicated questions and answers wrap-up at the end of the session.
The webinar was hosted by CDN on Tuesday 3 May 2011, but is now available in our archives. To view the complete webinar please visit the link below:
From Concept to Class A with CATIA Icem
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