Car Design News hosted a new webinar with Icona Solutions yesterday, June 8th. Focusing on perceived quality in the digital design world, Icona Solutions' Dr John Maxfield explained how the company's aesthetica software - which enables design teams to gain early insight and resolve fit and finish issues - can improve perceived quality and craftsmanship.

Hosted by Dr John Maxfield, Technical Director and Founder of Icona Solutions Ltd, the webinar demonstrates how aesthetica helps designers produce realistic images of real world products, including materials / color / finishes, with targets to allow early perceived quality reviews. The webinar also included examples that highlight the benefits of improving perceived quality and the process to ensure a competitive advantage - particularly the assembly / manufacturing variation of the design process.
Dr Maxfeild also provided case studies of innovations that have been implemented, visualizing the design exactly as consumers will see it in the showroom, and even included two polls to guage user opinion of perceived quality.
An expert in the field of high quality visualisation, perceived quality management and design optimization, Dr Maxfield has implemented these processes with many leading automotive manufacturers, including Porsche, Bentley, Ferrari, Nissan, Chrysler, Fiat, Lotus, GM and Audi.
Icona Solutions' aesthetica software gives designers, stylists and engineers the freedom to improve the perceived quality of their designs and avoid the need for pre- and post-production rectification. Significant improvements in perceived quality and simultaneous reductions in cost can be achieved because fewer physical prototypes are required, says the company. Easy to use and implement, aesthetica brings innovation and collaboration to concept, styling, design, engineering and production teams, the company adds.
This complimentary webinar is now available to view in our archive by clicking the link below:
Perceived Quality in the Digital Design World
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